Elven Weapons
iwmdb55 = Double Sword
iwewa55 = Wand
iwekn55 = Blade
iwebo55 = Elven Bow
iwest55 = Elven Staff
iwmeb55 = Elven Metal Blade
iwmca55 = Elven Gattling Gun
iwmbo55 = Metal Elven Bow
idelb55 = Elven Shield
idmeb55 = Metal Elven Shield*
Relics Unsealed:
iwlud04 - ceberus (launcher)
iwfld04 - inferno (flamethrower)
iwfad04 - titan (faust)
iwspd02 - vengeance (spear)
iwswd01 - maneater (sword)
iwknd02 - izen ritter (knife)
iwstd02 - accelleon (staff)
iwmad02 - cretin toel (2hand mace)
iwmad03 - blunt of oblivion (1hand mace)
iwaxd02 - armor killer (2hand axe)
iwaxd03 - the end (dual axe)
iwbod01 - valkrie (normal bow)
iwbod02 - chimera (crossbow)
iwfid06 - m72 dark bullet (normal gun)
iwfid04 - double hitter (dual guns)
iwfid08 - mgl073 lightning (beam gun)
iwfid09 - beast (machine gun)
iwhkn01 - lv53 Man Eater*
55 Weapons
iwspb55 – spear
iwknb55 – knife
iwmab55 – mace
iwaxb55 – axe
iwswb55 – sword
iwbob55 – bow
iwlub55 - flamethrower
iwstb55 – staff
iwfib55 – gun
Type C Weapons Lv 30-55*
Ability code is in brackets modify for ability^
a = 1.00 speed
b = endurance
c = pain 30 aim
d = smart 10 avd
e = strong 10 atk
f = solid 10 def
g = strenght 6 HP
h = adv strenght 5 FP/HP
i = vampire 20 atkD to HP
j = guardian 20 debuff decrease
k = sharp 5 inc crit
l = grand 20 range radius
iwaz[e]50/55 - launcher [e = strong intense]^
iwbz[e]50/55 - bow
iwsz[e]50/55 - sword
iwmz[e]50/55 - mace
iwfz[e]50/55 - gun
iwkz[e]50/55 - knife
iwpz[e]50/55 - spear
iwtz[e]50/55 - staff
iwxz[e]50/55 - axe
Leon Weapons 50 and 55
iwbxc50/55 - leons hora bow
iwsxc50/55 - leons hora spear
iwkxc50/55 - leons hora knife
iwlxc50/55 - leons hora faust
iwfxc50/55 - leons hora vulcan
iwtxc50/55 - leons hora staff
iwlxc45 - leons missile launcher
PvP Weapons
iwpvp01- 27
Siege Kits?
sklu005 - lv55 blue kit 60% attack
GM Weapons
iwstd01 – GM Staff / broken
iwkna99 – GM knife
iwknd01 – Elemental Knife
iwchr01 – Elemental Swords
1 Response to "!UPDATED ALL WEAPONS"
caranya gimana sih ?